Understand your Brand! Brand vs Brand Sentiment

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Branding refers to the overall marketing and advertising efforts that a company employs to create and maintain a particular image or identity in the minds of consumers. This can include things like a company’s logo, slogan, and overall aesthetic.

Brand sentiment, on the other hand, refers to the emotions and perceptions that consumers associate with a particular brand. This can include things like trust, loyalty, and perceived value. Brand sentiment can be influenced by a variety of factors, including advertising, customer service, and personal experiences with the brand.

In short, branding is what a company does to establish an image in the minds of consumers, while brand sentiment is how consumers feel and perceive the brand.

Branding is important for a business for several reasons:

  1. Branding establishes a unique identity for a business: A strong brand helps a business stand out in a crowded marketplace and establishes a unique identity that differentiates it from its competitors. This can help attract and retain customers, as well as increase customer loyalty.
  2. Branding creates trust and credibility: A well-established brand is associated with quality, reliability, and trustworthiness. This can help a business establish credibility with potential customers and inspire confidence in its products or services.
  3. Branding supports advertising and marketing efforts: A strong brand can make advertising and marketing efforts more effective. For example, a recognisable brand can increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, as customers are more likely to remember and respond to advertisements for brands they are familiar with.
  4. Branding can increase the value of a business: A strong brand can increase the value of a business by making it more attractive to potential investors and buyers. This is because a well-established brand can drive revenue and increase customer loyalty, making a business more valuable.
  5. Branding can create emotional connection: A strong brand can create an emotional connection with customers. This can lead to customer loyalty and repeat business. This is because a strong brand can tap into customers’ values, emotions and aspirations, which in turn can create a deeper sense of connection and trust.


Brand sentiment refers to the overall perception and attitude of consumers towards a particular brand. It is the emotional connection that consumers have with a brand, and it plays a crucial role in determining the success of a business.

In today’s highly competitive market, building a positive brand sentiment is more important than ever. Consumers have access to a vast amount of information about products and services, and they are more likely to choose brands that they feel positively about. Positive brand sentiment can lead to increased customer loyalty, repeat business, and positive word-of-mouth marketing.

On the other hand, negative brand sentiment can have a devastating impact on a business. Negative reviews, social media posts, and other forms of negative publicity can quickly spread, leading to lost business and damaged reputation. Negative brand sentiment can also lead to a decrease in customer loyalty, repeat business, and negative word-of-mouth marketing.

So, how can a business build and maintain positive brand sentiment? There are several strategies that can be employed:

  • Providing excellent customer service
  • Creating engaging and relevant content
  • Building strong relationships with customers
  • Being active on social media
  • Encouraging customer feedback
  • Responding to and addressing negative feedback

It’s also important to keep in mind that building and maintaining positive brand sentiment is an ongoing process. It requires constant effort and monitoring to ensure that your brand is perceived positively by consumers.

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